Fisheries Development Update:
Due to the current situation with the Corona Virus our Annual Open Meeting will not be able to take place until later in the year as per Government Legislation. This has obviously held up our works program and limited as to what we can do. We will restart as soon as we’re advised it’s safe to do so.
Listed below is a summary of what we have planned to achieve this year. As these phases are implemented, we will feature the works on the website and Facebook. We have achieved a great deal to date and these additional objectives will further improve Shrewsbury Town Fisheries and it’s operations so that our Anglers can enjoy their sport and benefit the local communities.Everything we do is down large number of people and partners. Helen Ball, Mike Cox and the team Shrewsbury Town Council, Matt Wilcoxon and the Countryside Team, Shropshire Council,The Environment Agency, Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Angling Trust, Tom Perring in Media, Our Contractors, Gary Dodds and our Bailiffs,Volunteers, Anglers and many others who all work together to produce the end result.
This what have we got planned for this year.
1. Monkmoor: Add an additional six high build angling platforms. The large project for the bottom half of the fishery has been agreed and that is likely to start this time next year. This will massively enhance the fishery, it’s habitat and add further angling platforms. This summer I shall be looking at Belvedere Woods and solutions for there.
2. Oxon Pool: We have almost completed the works on this fishery to create a different angling experience, whilst protecting its beauty and the surrounding residential area. We were hoping to open this fishery in two weeks but that is now delayed.A new website is well on its way to completion of which it will be linked to our main website. Membership will be by application only and this will be a separate fishery from the others and financed by its own independence. This is to protect the pools status and an addition set of rules of conduct will apply. There will be more detail about this fishery on its launch date. Should you wish to be considered for membership please email me at Strictly no beginners will be allowed on this fishery.
3. Mousecroft Pool: We are about to impletement phase 3. This will involve cleaning the right hand side of the pool. Rebuilding the bank with clay whilst sealing the leaks. There will be new platforms installed of which will be engineered using the old Oxon platforms. You will notice the water level is now up and actually in the last two weeks it has risen in level. This reaffirms my thoughts that the supply is there but it’s where the water is being lost. Keep you posted on this. In addition we will be adding a new stone pathway across the front of the pool a metre wide higher up the bank to create space between anglers and pedestrians. We will also french drain down from the new path to the pool, fish bone style, to drain the land and help maintain water levels. The contractor will also clear along the front of the pool once more to attend some areas that were missed.
4. Radbrook Pool: There is and invasive parrot weed of which has been irresponsibly introduced in the pool by someone emptying their fish tank contents in the pool. We now have to treat this weed using a licensed contractor. If we don’t treat this weed,it will fill the pool and cause problems with the fish stocks and fishing. Please dry all your fishing gear thoroughly after fishing Radbrook Pool please.
5. Bailiffs Code of Conduct: We are introducing an internal code of conduct for all of our bailiffs. This is to protect you as well as our bailiffs. We shall also supplying new shirts for our bailiffs team.
6. Sydney Avenue: The first phase of revamping the pegs will start with replacing 4 pegs of which materials have been supplied by the Environment Agency. I have also applied for a grant to complete phase 2 for all the other old or damaged platforms. We shall also look at some walkways down to the pegs. Hopefully we should hear about this application soon.
7. County Ground and Quarry: Some of the existing platforms need some repairs after the floods and their age. We will also be renumbering them and also under the fronts of the pegs with larger numbers. This will help us have locations by water users should there be any issues. We will also be looking at locating all platforms on a map of these two fisheries for the website. Photos of the platforms will be taken with the location. This will allow you to view the platform when you click on the peg number on the website. This will take time to achieve and will be super when finished.
8. Emstrey: We have planned to work from top to bottom of Emstrey to re establish all of the pegs, renumber and sort the trees. I am still working on the car parks. Paul Pritchard Emstrey Warden is working on this. This again is now delayed because of Corona Virus.
9. The Junior Academy: Plans are taking shape for a new Junior Academy: This will be for not just for youngsters, but lads and dads or mums and daughters etc. Young Shrewsbury and other organisations are planned to be involved. I would also want to be able to cater for special schools and other organisations. This is important for the Fisheries future and the future of angling. This section will be added to our website.Once again with the current situation this may have to start next year.
10. Reabrook: Tom Perring has helped secure a large project with the Severn River Trust to improve the troublesome weir of which will aid fish to pass and improved habitat. This is due to happen this year. We shall be looking later this year on improved access.
This is a brief summary of improvements and I hope you find it useful. Each one involves a lot of work and we’re ready to go. All this is possible by your membership, day tickets and grants. Should you wish to help us out on your Fisheries please contact us via the website by email We would like to hear from you. Thank you for your membership and enjoy your fishing.
Andy Jones
Fisheries Coordinator