Fisheries Update 10/09/2023

We have just completed 10 further new fishing platforms on our River Severn fisheries. 2 on Sydney Avenue, 3 on Monkmoor including a platform in memory of Darren “Polly” Perkins and 5 at Emstrey near the farm. Tony and Bob our platform guys have done a marvellous job as always. These were funded by a successful grant from the Environment Agency who we thank for their help, a donation by the late Darren “Polly” Perkins and the fisheries. This takes us to 68 new platforms around all our fisheries now completed since 2019.

Currently we are now strimming and trimming all around our fisheries in preparation for the autumn and winter.

Next we are planning some work to improve Radbrook Pool including tree work with the help of the Shrewsbury Town Council Countryside Team, new quality platforms and also replacing the gate at Monkmoor in addition to refurbing a storage facility for all our maintenance and junior coaching equipment. Details of these works will be announced as they happen between now and the spring.

Further plans are currently being looked at for next year, some of which I couldn’t implement this year due to a family bereavement and being quite ill with Covid. These include barbel matches on Monkmoor and take a friend fishing days.

Enjoy your fishing and please look after our platforms and fisheries.

Andy Jones and Team
Fisheries Coordinator