Fisheries works Plans Update:

To continue with our fisheries improvement plans and keep moving forwards, I can announce the initial plans for this year.

Radbrook Pool:

This year our first project is to transform Radbrook Pool with better access and attention to improve the biodiversity of the pool. During our last heatwave we had to attend the pool to battle against a serious water oxygen crash of which was prevented with our water pumps and the help with the Environment agency to prevent fish loss.
Our aim which will be in stages is to replace all but one fishing platforms with new high build platforms including an extra disabled platform. One current platform,that is not fishable, will be relocated to a new position. The existing will be removed and replanted to wild. New pathing will be installed either side of the woodland path to join the existing pathways where it tends to get very muddy. To improve the water surface area and help get more surface water movement, we wish to open up an area to create an air tunnel and cut back an area of tree branches that have overgrown the pool surface by as much as twenty feet. Once cut back some water weed planting will be instigated in the margin to improve oxygen content in the water and wildlife habitat.
An Angling Trust AIF Environment Agency grant has been applied for to hopefully help us with this project that will transform the pool with easier access for anglers and the local residents and to protect it from further oxygen problems.
Any tree works permissions and agreement will be sought via the Town Council Countryside team prior to any works and will take place outside the bird nesting season.

Sydney Avenue & The Quarry:

For Sydney Avenue we shall be replacing two more river platforms that have deteriorated and are in need of replacement with new high build platforms. In addition in the Quarry Park we also need to replace four river platforms that have suffered from severe flooding damage with new high build platforms. we also need to repair a number of other platforms after initial inspections. The flooding has caused some serious bank erosion and there are three trees down in the Quarry and another down on the County Ground. They have been reported to the EA for removal at some point.
We have applied for a second Angling Trust AIF Environment Agency grant to assist us with this project.


We have recently replaced the gate on the lane entry with a new extensive gate, please make sure you lock it,and in addition,once the wet weather has subsided and the Monkmoor lane dried out sufficiently, we shall be carrying out works on the badly potholed section to help strengthen the lane to help illuminate this problem. Next year we will repeat the process to further increase the strength of the lane. This will improve access for anglers and members of the public.


Later in the summer we wish to add at least another, maybe two, new high build river platforms to replace existing old and deteriorated platforms on the river bank.

Mousecroft & Oxon Pool:

We are currently looking at plans for these two pools and will confirm these plans later in the year.

Coaching Events:

A number of coaching events have been planned and confirmed for our Junior anglers and also adults for the Shropshire Recovery Forum for this year. The junior events will be added to the website for online booking in March and will be free to attend. The events will be run by our Head Coach Ian James and his team of coaches.
We are also assisting with a fishing Intervention activity for Belvedere School and is hoped to introduce more youngsters to the sport of fishing.


We have been and are looking at improving the permit purchase area on the website to try and make it easier to purchase our online permits with a simpler system. Any changes will be implemented as soon as possible.
We have amended the Fisheries Rules and Conditions. Please read them to keep up to date.

Membership Fees and Day Tickets:

Prices on all permits remain the same for this year. Please ensure you enter your full name, postal address and Rod licence details when purchasing your permits. We cannot process them without these details.

Water Testing and Severn Trent CSO Safari:

As you may be aware, I have been working hard on the pollution aspects of the river along with a team of committed water testing volunteers. It is important to undertake this work to influence factors of change and improvement of water quality to protect our fisheries and its environment. Any improvements will benefit our fishing, fish stocks and also for all who use the river and its green space areas.
Our water testing continues on eight locations on the River Severn and we have now increased regular testing on locations for the Reabrook. A new volunteer has been added to our team to assist us.
In addition we have set up a new scheme working with Severn Trent on the Reabrook of which is a CSO Safari. The scheme involves closer observation, with the help of location plans, of the CSO outflows and also finding various other unknown out flows of which may be contributing to pollution in the Reabrook. These will be looked at during dryer spells and graded as potential problem. ie they may have a misconnection of some type or cause and Severn Trent would investigate them, trace them and put the problem right.

I would like to thank all who work in the fisheries team, water bailiffs, angling coaches, media admin and water testers for the commitment they give voluntarily every day to support our fisheries. There are currently 29 individuals with their own unique talents. Also our fisheries partners, Shrewsbury Town Council, Shropshire Council, Angling Trust, Environment Agency, Shropshire Wildlife Trust, our contractors and other organisations who provide help and advice.

All is not possible without our anglers. Please look after our fisheries, close and lock the gates as they allow you access, take your litter home. Should you see any pollution or illegal angling, please report it on the EA hotline number 0800 807060 and also let us know via our contact page on the website.

Enjoy your fishing.

Andy Jones
Fisheries Coordinator