


Situated south of Shrewsbury, Mousecroft pool is a delightful spot. Surrounded on three sides by mixed deciduous trees this woodland fishery offers peace and quiet, secure off road parking and good fishing. The pool is easily accessible from the car park via a short walk along a safe and level path. Fishing is available from dawn till dusk. Night fishing is prohibited.There is no close season on this pool.


A Combi Lock code for car access to the fishery is required. The code comes with your new season permit which is available online.

Mousecroft Pool is a good mixed fishery with Carp featuring well. Specimens in the high teens are regularly taken and the pool has a good range of features. Open water of mixed depth (the deepest part is towards the top-end of the fishery but rarely exceeds five feet), reeds and rushes line the margins except for the ‘snaggy’ bottom corner which has plenty of submerged trees and branches trailing into the water. The left-hand bank as viewed in the photo is of open grassland behind offering safe comfortable and roomy pegs – however, the area in front of these pegs is shallow for quite some distance towards the far side. Despite this carp can often be seen patrolling these shallows during sunny days. The biggest carp are targeted towards the far bank sunken trees. The path encircles three-quarters of the fishery offering plenty of scope and differing angles from which to target your quarry. Safe, clean, level pegs are situated along the perimeter path at regular intervals and can accommodate a number of anglers.NIGHT FISHING IS PROHIBITED.CLOSE AND LOCK THE GATE BEHIND YOU.