Radbrook Pool,Mousecroft Pool and River Fisheries Update 2/7/23:

Radbrook Pool:
After many hours of hard work by our bailiff team and the assistance of the Environment Agency, the dissolved oxygen levels are back up to where they should be. It had reached a dangerous low of 10% do and now it is averaging 90%+. We shall keep it closed for fishing for another few days to ensure we are over the worst. We had no further fish losses of which is great news after a prompt response. We would still ask everyone who feed the ducks and wildlife to refrain from doing so whilst we still monitor the pool. After please keep feed to minimum as many go and feed and it can then become large amount. We will update anglers when the pool can reopen.

Mousecroft Pool:
The dissolved oxygen levels are good and the pool will remain open for fishing. Please note we shall be closing it for a day to carry out fishery maintenance on it. We will update when this will be.

River Fisheries:
As the temperatures are now below 18 degrees, all river fisheries precaution restrictions are lifted. As normal please apply fish care at all times and all anglers should have landing nets plus specimen anglers must use an unhooking mat.

Before you go fishing please check for any updates on our Facebook pages or website. We have to respond quickly when required to protect fish stocks.

Thank you for your understanding. Enjoy your fishing.

Andy Jones
Fisheries Coordinator