On Wednesday 13th May Phase 3 of planned work will commence on Mousecroft Pool. This was due to take place in March, but with the Corona Virus situation it had to be delayed. Permission has been given by Shrewsbury Town Council and the Police to proceed.
The works will in the main involve the cleaning out of the right hand bank/ corner and rebuilding the bank with clay to reseal it. We shall also be installing an new stone footpath along the front of the pool and french drainage from this path fishbone style into the pool. This will further help retain the water level of which is important for the fish and fishing.
The works will,at the most, last for 14 days.
The Contractor will be operating under Government Guidelines.
We would ask Members of the Public to wherever possible keep clear from the Pool whilst we complete the work.
I understand this may clash with the possibility of the Government allowing the fishing restriction being lifted due to Corona Virus. The work was already planned and the Government Guideline to fishing has of yet not been clarified. Fishing also has to be given the approval to go ahead by Shrewsbury Town Council.
I hope all Anglers understand as so much time to get works completed has gone this year and that we need to get this job done to be able to move on to the next. This phase will further improve Mousecroft Fishery for everyone.
Andy Jones
Fishery Coordinator